This is a short guide to explain how you can quickly OCR a scanned PDF on the command line.
[Read More]About
This is basically a “note to myself” space. I note down bits and pieces about things I did / learnt. It realy is a space for me, but it’s public, so that anyone may profit from the time I’ve spent learning about something.
Disclaimer: There’s no guarantee whatsoever that any of this advice is correct, still applies, is used in production, etc.
From Zero to Jitsi Meet in 30 Minutes
The following guide will show you how you deploy your own Jitsi Meet server in no-time on your own virtual server.
[Read More]Write a Chromecast App In 3 Easy Steps
Today I would like to share how anyone can create a Chromecast app.
[Read More]Setup a Gitlab Runner with docker-in-docker Support
Personally, I prefer to set up my own Gitlab Runners. The reasons being that I don’t have to wait for a runner to become available and they’re usually faster then the Gitlab Shared Runners.
[Read More]Host Your Own Blog with Gitlab and Netlify
This guide explains how to host a own blog / website for free with about 1 hour of effort. It’s how I host this blog.
There are certainly other options, and I’ve used some in the past. But this worked very well and with very little configuration effort.
In this guide I use Gitlab as code host and Netlify to publish the website. I’m using the Hugo build system to build a static page.
[Read More]Let's Encrypt on Turris Omnia
This is a guide about how I use Let’s Encrypt certificates on my Turris Omnia router.
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